Joelsa Diy Shop Theme Documentation

Downloading the theme

After the purchase an account will be created for you.Log into the account , Click your services and then click view details. On the left hand side click Downloads. Then you will see your theme.Click it to download.



Joelsa-diy-theme is a WordPress theme that works with WooCommerce. With joelsa-diy-theme you can build your online store by your self. Follow all the instructions step by step carefully so you miss nothing.


Step 1: WordPress Installation

Joelsa-diy-theme Works with WordPress. So you need to first install WordPress if you do not have it already. If you are unsure how to install WordPress Goto your Cpanel and use your WordPress tool to install WordPress into your domain.


install word press before install joelsa diy theme

Step 2: Woo-commerce Installation

Woo-commerce plugin is required to be installed before installing joelsa-dit-theme.

To install Woocommerce Goto the Plugins in your WordPress dashboard ,click Add new and search for woocommerce plugin.Then install it and activate it.



Step 3: Woo-commerce Installation

Woo-commerce plugin is required to be installed before installing joelsa-dit-theme.

To install Woocommerce Goto the Plugins in your WordPress dashboard ,click Add new and search for woocommerce plugin.Then install it and activate it.


Step 4: joelsa-diy-theme Installation

Now the time to install joelsa-diy-theme.

On WordPress dashboard go to Appearance > Themes > Add New , and then locate the file from your local computer where you downloaded.

After installation Activate the theme.

See the below video illustration